Thursday 14th October; 4pm-6pm
Brick lane scene
We will be filming a narrative element of our video that will portray the protagonist's methods of dealing with her problems by spending time alone and drinking alcohol. This scene will be filmed at a backstreet in Brick lane. The protagonist's surroundings will help reinforce her mindframe. The setting is rough looking with graffiti on the walls and broken furniture. The abandoned look to the setting will help reflect the character itself. We will film this scene after sixth-form.
Tuesday 19th October; 4pm-6pm
Bedroom scene
We will be filming a narrative element of our video that will portray the protagonist being bullied via text at home. We will film this scene at a friends bedroom because it is pink but also consists of rock posters. The contrast within the setting is suitable for this scene as it portrays the protagonist as someone that has two different personalities. The setting consists of a dressing table with mirrors and cosmetic products which reinforces the idea of image orientation. The bedroom is a form of personal space which allows our character to be herself and reveal her emotional side. We will be filming Kim (the protagonist) tearing down posters as well as other shots of her looking in the mirror, being bullied via text and reacting negatively. We will film this scene after sixth-form at 4pm as we will have an hour to set the room up including; the dressing table, and posters.
Friday 22nd October; 4pm-7pm
Performance scene at the dance studio
This scene will be performance based rather than narrative. I have booked out the dance studio for this scene. Props will include mic + mic stand, drumset & guitars (electric + bass).
Archie and I, will be at the dance studio at 3pm setting bringing instruments from the schools music department to the dance studio as well as keeping the music CD ready & experimenting with lighting. The black curtains in the studio will help reinforce the seriousness of the song topic.
Friday 29th October; 12pm-3pm
Suicide scene at flat staircase
We will be filming a narrative element of our music video that brings the entire video together. These clips will be the most essential clips for our video. They will include Kimberley attempting to commit suicide and Vinny (the lead singer of the band) finding her. This scene will be important because the audience will see members of the performance and narrative sharing a scene.
Wednesday 3rd November; 3pm-5pm
Bullying scene in school hallway
This narrative scene will be used at the beginning of our video. It will take place in the sixth-form hallway and will consist of bullying shots. We will have Kimberley (the protagonist) and12-15 other people as students creating a real but exaggerated high-school atmosphere. We will create a Facebook event inviting able students to contribute towards our video. Facebook is a convenient social network site as many people use it and therefore, they are easy to access.
Friday 5rd November; 3pm-4pm
Bathroom scene
This narrative scene is located in the sixth-form toilets where there is rivalry tension portrayed aswell as the exposure of Kimberley's private emotions.We will shoot this scene after sixth-form at 3pm onwards as we are using the girls toilets and they need to be empty in order for us to film. These shots will include Kimberley crying and reacting negatively to her problems as well as 2 people laughing at her building up tension within the music video.
By Maariyah
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